How to learn anything by yourself.
It has been a long time since a degree was enough to strive in life, now things are way different from when obtaining a bachelor’s degree was a guarantee of a wealthy life, right now the essential skill everyone has to master is the ability to learn. Due to the rate of improvements in the technological sector and many other fields, we are living in a new era in which every few years we see new professions and therefore a new set of skills that did not exist before.
Back then, obtaining a degree and getting a safe job was the traditional path everybody could follow to ensure success. However, times have changed and this approach is not applicable anymore. Right now the skill that companies should value the most, is the capacity to learn new skills to the level in which we are able to do something with these newly acquired skills.
Although everybody has the ability to learn, many times it becomes very challenging to learn new things, especially when we are doing it by ourselves. Learning by yourself takes a lot of effort and it’s not always easy, but if you have the motivation, there are certain steps you can take to make the process smoother and make sure that your efforts don’t go to waste.
What is meta-learning?
The first step that many people ignored when it comes to learning something new is something called meta-learning, this consists of taking a step back and first defining what you want to learn and why. Usually, we let universities and colleges define this stage, however, the rate of change in the job market makes it difficult for these types of institutions or organizations.
In this respect, we have to be proactive and take control of what we are going to study and is in regard to this part of the learning process that meta-learning becomes really important. This step is necessary because it will help you set the roadmap that you will follow. Once you have a goal and a roadmap you can set a timeline and start doing the research needed to make sure that you are learning the right things.
having said that, meta-learning refers to the process of learning how to learn. In the cognitive field, it refers to the study of how the brain learns and adapts to new information, this is worth noting because there is no standard way in which the human brain learns new things, meaning that everybody has particular abilities to recognize patterns and acquire new information, and more importantly, use that information to solve problems.
For that reason, the process of learning which techniques or methods are more suitable for everyone comes with experience, meaning that it is not going to be a linear process. People in general tend to get better when they understand their own learning process and are able to adapt it to their individual needs.
General steps to follow toward acquiring new knowledge.
Once you are aware of the way your brain learns, you can start the process of learning by yourself. This step involves having the right disposition and attitude to start and build the skills needed to acquire knowledge. Depending on the field of study, it can involve reading books, watching tutorials, or even finding mentors or experts in the field who can help guide you.
In regards to that, once you have identified the particular way your brain absorbs information, there are some additional steps we can follow before starting the process of studying a particular topic
- Find the right resources: Depending on the subject you want to learn, this implies finding the right books, courses, podcasts, or even hiring a tutor.
- Make sure you understand the concepts: Now that you have selected the right resources, it is crucial to make sure you understand the concepts. Understanding the concepts helps to build a base of knowledge that you can use to make the process of understanding even simpler.
- Practice: Once you understand the concepts, it is time to practice.
In order to see results in a reasonable amount of time, it is important to frame these steps in a specific timeline, a good idea is to specify the dates on which you will study a particular topic, having specified the date and the resource that you would use during your studying session avoid that you procrastinate and it helps to ensure consistency across all the learning process.
I am passionate self-taught, and always trying to learn new things and explore new fields in which I can test different theories about how the brain learns. If you have any questions or just want to connect, you can find me on LinkedIn or email me at